Sunday, March 1, 2009

to know Christ and to KNOW Christ

At our church here in Belize we are going through the book of Romans. I have been convicted that I do not "know" Christ like I need to, so I can live the life I am called to live. I think there are different levels of "knowing" Jesus. In chapter 1 of Romans it speaks of knowing God in an acknowledging sense. Knowing God and treating Him as God. But later on (In 1 Corinthians 3:10) Paul speaks of knowing Christ in much more powerful ways, "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death". I know God, and I acknowledge Him as creator and God, but I do not know Him like Paul describes in I Cor 3:10. I want to though and I am determined to get there.


Betty Hodge said...

I know what you mean...that was really good and I KNOW you will get there!
A few weeks ago in Woman to Woman on a worksheet it asked if you feared God. I was stumped, I really didnt know what that meant. Then the next class we talked about fearing God and what that means....WOW I was amazed and have been studying on it more myself.
I am really enjoying this class and where it is leading me into his word and my relationship with him.
Not sure if I mentioned this or not, Robin and Doug has become the leader of our Cell Group, as Ted and Janine are working with Marriage classes. Doug really makes me think, I think he is going to bring out so much in us with our trust issues with one another and really open us all up. I really didn't know Doug well before cell group, he is a trip!
Oh and man...last week whew you woudl have hated to have been here and been my doctor!! James.... I have NEVEr in my life felt as bad as I did last week with strep throat. Goodgosh at what all it will do to your body and the pain it brings ugh!! I admire docs and nurses even more after knowing that they face people with this everyday!! ME? I will have a bottle of germx attached to the hip!!
Take care!

Cassie said...

good post. i still want some info on Belize. it has been heavy on heart here lately. i will email you. also, my email is: my blog is: you can follow me there. :)

cant wait to hear from yall!!