Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where I've been

Wow, it has been a while. After taking a long break form blogging, I am back and ready to go. One of the more exciting things have just occurred... yes you guessed it! The SAINTS are going to the super bowl and I am pumped! I might actually be the only saints fan on this side of the country but my cheering (and yelling at the TV) has made up for it for sure!

We are finishing up our time here in NW New Mexico this week. Saturday we will be "moving" down to SW New Mexico for 2-3 months. Hopefully we'll get some warmer weather. Lily and Aidan are not used to staying inside all the time and they need to get out and run off some of their endless supply of energy!!! We are so very grateful for the opportunity to live and work here in Farmington. We have met some great people and attended an awesome church (http://www.pinonhillschurch.com/)!!! I also know God has used my hands to show his heart to the sick and hurting.

We are still praying for God's guidance on what we will do when this next position is completed. We are feeling led to "come back home" for a period of time to "prepare" for what God has for us next. The pastor at the church we attended here in Farmington has started a GREAT series on preparing for the next decade of life that I hope to share some of it with you all in the coming blogs.