The internet has been down for most of the week. When it has worked it has only been for short periods of time. I think it is because a lot of this week has been cloudy and overcast which the satellite (which we get our internet from) does not like it! The satellite likes it sunny and not too windy. And guess what the weather is like right now?? Yep, sunny with a little wind. Anyways, we are still going strong. Lily and I have battled a little stomach bug (again) earlier in the week but I think we have gotten over it for the most part.
This week has been busy seeing patients in their homes. This particular time of the month we see some of our "special kids." Hannah checked them all out (who better to do it) while I played with Christy.

Last week Hannah accompanied some our our nursing students 0n a snorkeling trip to the Snake Cayes (keys). although the weather was not perfect she had a great time. She saw star fish, lots of pretty fishies and a big stingray! Check out the bathroom on one of the islands they stopped at!

1 comment:
Wow forget that bathroom!!
We started...Woman to Woman tonight. It was great. Janine is teaching it from Proverbs 31. I can't wait for the next class and thats 2wks away!!
Brother Freddie talked last week and left word in my head that I can't shake. He was saying that He loves his wife/grandkids...but he doesn't always like them. (Gotta LOVE Honest Bro Freddie) He said he prays to God and ask God to love others through him. I was blown away by that. I have always asked God to help me look past issues and help me to Love them unconditionally but his word..WOW It makes sense. It makes me want to cry that out so much now.
Anyway not sure why I shared that but I wanted to.
LOVE & Miss Yall
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