Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ham and cheese sandwiches

Things have been absolutely crazy busy! Dan and Maria are catching on to the job here, which is a good thing since next week is our last on the job! We have been doing all of the clinic work and home visits to get them familiar with their duties which has made for a very busy last 2 weeks! Hard to believe we are almost done! We definitely have some mixed up feelings about leaving. We are so very excited about seeing family and friends, all the while feeling a bit anxious about all the "unknowns" we are facing.

But despite the "unknowns" life is looking good. Lily helped me to re-realize this along with appreciating the small things in life the other day. She did this by eating lunch... Lily LOVES ham and cheese sandwiches, I mean LOVES them. We have not been able to find ham around here so needless to say she has not had a "ham-N-cheese" in quite a while. Well I found a pack of ham the other day and I surprised her with her favorite lunch. You would have thought I gave her a diamond ring! She was SO excited and thanked me several times and was very happy.

There are so many things in our lives that are much better than "ham-N-cheese" that if we slow down, we will realize that life is good, really good. We'll let you know what our plans are when we know them! Thanks for the prayers... keep them up!


Anonymous said...

The "littlest" things can be such a blessing. Who would have thought that about good old Ham'N'Cheese sandwiches?! Thanks for sharing that story with the rest of us! Reminds me to be thankful for the little blessings in life - and to not take ANYTHING for granted. Blessings on you all in finishing this chapter well, and in beginning a new one.

Betty Hodge said...

I am sure theres pressure on you with the unknowns. I am praying that God will let that be ok with you. That you can rest in peace knowing that God will reveal it to you in his time and that no one else will cause you to make a decision with pressure there. I pray that if God feels that you need time to be "still" you allow this time and put your trust in him. I pray there is no confusion with your decision... if its not Gods WILL that all doors would close to that choice. I pray for many Blessings for your family! Cant wait to see you guys!!