Wow! The past 2.5 weeks have been quite the whirlwind! Between Hannah being gone for a week, all craziness here at the clinic, and the many sick sick people, I had to put many things on the back burner, and blogging was one of them. The things I tried put to the forefront of my priority list were God, family and patients. But, things this week have sloowed a little so I thought I would try to catch you guys up.
Hannah had a great trip visiting family and attending her Aunt Pam's wedding in sunny San Diego. We sure missed her a BUNCH but the kids and I stuck together and did as well as could be expected. Hannah returned on Aidan's 4th birthday, which was a special treat.

We had Aidan's birthday this past Saturday. He had a good time. Aidan invited some of his friends and we even had an uninvited guest: a tarantula (which was appropriate as it was a
Spiderman party)!! No joke. Needless to say ole Spidy did not survive long enough for cake and ice cream. Aidan and everyone else had a fun time regardless.

Blades continues to improve. His major wound on his backside is still healing albeit slow. however he has developed some small ones, but we are working on that. Hannah was able to bring back a "camel-pack", a water system used by hikers/bikers and runners. Now he can drink water by himself without help which is a good thing in many ways (physically, mentally and emotionally). He is able to sit up in a wheelchair now! YAY! Today was his third time and he was able to sit for 2 hours!!! He absolutely loves it! Today he was able to eat lunch while in the chair which was the first time he has had a meal not lying on his back in over 6 months! Keep praying for his healing and his spirits.
So much more has happened but those are the highlights. Please pray for God's guidance for our future. It is hard to believe but we have less than 10 weeks left here (and we still do not know what we are going to do (job etc) when we return. Our replacements (Dan and Maria) will be arriving here in Belize at the end of August, and we will begin their training. Pray for that too!
I have been studying 1 John a good bit lately. What an awesome book!
3:1"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" Good stuff. More later...
1 comment:
Hey you! Yeah... I have missed your blogs!
HOW AWESOME about Blades! I have wondered and prayed for him but wasn't sure how he was. I am so glad that God is using you in help with his healing!!
Love the Spidey pics of yall... yuck to the real one!
Debbie was just asking me last week when yall were coming back and what yall were going to do. I will be praying for yall. 10 weeks! WheeWhooo!!!
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