Tomorrow I am going to take a trip to a village in the southern most part of Belize. I am going with a group of guys with Laugh Out Loud Ministries (
lolministry.com). The trip has a two fold purpose, to assess the area for a new well and to provide medical care all in the name of Jesus. The village is so remote that there is no access to medical care. We will drive 2 hours and then hike 2 hours into the deep of the jungle to get to the small village. Everything you need has to be carried in on your back (and my backpack is packed to the brim)! I am bringing much needed medicines and I will go house to house providing any care that is needed.
We will bathe in a creek and sleep in small tents. They tell me that the howler monkeys keep you up all night and wild pigs eat your camp fire coals! It ought to be fun!!!
We will leave at 5:30am in the morning and will return Saturday evening if all goes as planned. Please pray for our safety and for peace of mind for Hannah and the kids. This will be the first time she has been alone here. The earthquake this morning has not helped her anxieties either!! I will take plenty of pics and let you know how it goes when I return.
Wow Thats ALOT to take in!! YOu are a Brave Soul but I KNOW THE MAN THAT HAS YOUR BACK!!!
I know your heart will pour out to these people that are living with who knows what wrong with them with NO medical care til now!
I will be praying day and night for you and your group and that Gods work will be done.
I will be praying for your family too! Both you and Hannah are so brave!!!
Cant wait to hear the goodnews of your trip!!
This adventure sounds fun and scary at the same time - for both of you, James and Hannah! I will be praying.
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