Monday, May 25, 2009

Bad, bad blogger...

I know... I am sorry it has been so long. Don't know... I have just not been in the blogging mood. Maybe a little depressed although not sure why. On top of that I have been extremely, extremely busy. I think things are beginning to calm down a little now. Either way, I am determined to look up to where my help comes from (psalms 121:1) and also get back on the blogging train.

So much has happened, not sure where to start. I think what I will do is make a few small blog entries to catch things up. More to come!

1 comment:

Betty Hodge said...

Im praying for you. You know that saying...Being busy can suck the life right out of you?
Well, it can also excuse you from having the life you were meant to have. Now dont get me wrong You above so many others I know are actually in your calling and serving God and fully admired. What I mean by it is it can take the Joy of serving God away from you. Now matter how busy your day is be sure to stop and think about how many people you have been with that day and what work you were able to do for GOD. If you had ignored your calling and what he told you & Hannah to do then look @ all those lives you wouldn't be touching each day with your hands or heart or soul! Im sure its much harder than I could ever imagine but look at what he is preparing you for!! I mean I can't think of many things that could be harder than what you are doing now but I bet he has a plan for yaw & while I hope for a awhile you get to take it easy. I BET it wont be long until he reveals your new journey and with all that you are sacrificing and learning now, you will be equipped with all that you need.
Praying for you!