Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Home again!

Yes, the rumors are true, we are home. Sorry for being a bit secretive about it but we wanted to surprise some of our family and being that so many of us are very connected (which is a good thing), we had to keep most everyone in the dark to make the surprises possible. Well, it worked. We were able to show up at Church Alive and surprise Jeremy and Renee and their kids and we also shocked Sarah and her family last evening. It was really fun! We love being back home! The temperature is definitely a big adjustment though! The temps in Belize when we left were getting into the upper 80's to low 90's during the day and needless to say it is not quite that warm here! It is a nice change.

We are going to do our best to see as many of you as possible before we leave again (Jan 3). We has a great time at Church Alive this past Sunday an we are looking forward to worshipping with our friends and family at Restoration this Sunday. We will be traveling to Texas sometime next week to see some more of my family and to see Anna graduate from college!

We had intended on working a good bit to make some more money over the month but I am not sure how God is going ot work it all out. I was planning on working out of state but nothing worked out so God may be telling us to stay around family/friends this season and rest. God is a great provider and sometimes we need to beef up our spiritual and relational bank accounts as much or more than we need to our actual accounts with money.

Can't wait to see you all!

1 comment:

Betty Hodge said...

AWESOME!! Cant wait to you guys!!!!!