Ready to fly!
Awesome scenes from the plane
Our home (at least for now)
Our sweet ride
Waving hi to passer-byes
We found that frozen towels help with the heat!
aka "PG"
This is about 1 mile from where we are living in PG
Many one car bridges here
Road to clinic (very bumpy)
The clinic (gray build is new dorm construction)
The "tree house" at the clinic (our future home)
Offices/conference room
The PG market
Grocery store
Downtown PG
Hi Guys!!! Glad to see you made it safely!! NO AIR?? Whoa! Thats commitment! I know it has to be hard to adjust. We will be praying that you and the kids make the adjustment easily.
We love ya'll!
The Holts
I just realized it says "stephen said"...he has gmail..not me.
This is Debbi!
Love ya'll!
Amazing!! You guys are awesome, I am sure your journey is going to be a blessed one!
Love & Miss Yall
OLivia got a kick out of the pictures too
We pray for you guys daily! We were so glad to get some pics of your new home. The tree house looks nice. The market looks interesting, don't worry when Mrs. Cindy sends a package we plan on putting some things in there too.
We love you guys and miss you very much. Give Lily and Aidan a big kiss from NayNay!
You 2 are so strong and if anyone can to this, it's the 2 of you.
We love you!
Renee (NayNay)
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