Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu, yucky belly, busy days and warm welcome

I know what you're thinking... "that is quite an interesting title".. And it is, but this has also been quite an interesting past couple of days. It is very rewarding to see the look on our patient's faces when we come to visit them or we see them in the clinic. They are SOOO excited to see us. One of our short term volunteer physicians from the UK said to me: "You are like a celebrity; everyone has been asking when are James and Hannah coming back?"

Well we are back and we "hit the door running" so to speak. I stepped out of our house onto our porch Wednesday morning just to look at the scenery when I was approached to speak to a man who had been coming to the clinic 2-3 times per week while we were gone looking for me. He wanted me to come see if I could help his 103 year old grandmother who had recently had one of her legs amputated and it was now infected and he could not find anyone to help her. I have been to their home yesterday and today and she will require myself or Hannah to come there every day for quite a while. We have also been busy preparing for the next group of students that arrive this weekend and as we will not have a physician for the first 2 weeks in May, I will be supervising all of the clinics also. Needless to say, busy, busy busy.

Tomorrow is a national holiday so our clinic will be closed. However we will still be working some, but I hope and need to slow down a little tomorrow and over the weekend. Our stomachs (mine especially) are "re-adjusting" to local foods (if you know what I mean) and that has got me a bit weak.

AND on top of all this there is the Swine Flu which I recently learned that we should not call it that to "protect" the pigs... you gotta laugh about that. I spent the better part of this morning in a meeting with local Ministry of Health officials discussing Belize's response to the pandemic. I would ask for much prayers regarding this. I am not afraid for myself, but I do have some concern for Hannah and the kids. We have only had a few suspected cases in the northern part of the country but it is only a matter of time.

Anyways, I know this is a lot but I think you are pretty much updated for now...

1 comment:

Betty Hodge said...

Wow I will be praying for safety and health for the family.
Ofcoarse yall are like celebrities!! The love and care that both of you give them, Im sure has an overwhelming presense of GOD!
It was great seeing yall!