Sunday, September 13, 2009

One year in Belize

Today marks exactly one year since we came here to Belize... hard to believe, but as they say here, "you better Belize it". It has been an incredible journey, affecting every aspect of who we are. We have changed, and we have found areas that need change. We feel very confident that God wanted us here and also that He wants us to return to the states for a season. As I've said before, we have not and will not comprehend all what we have gleaned from this experience until some later time.

Regardless, we are a stronger family, we trust in our provider God more than ever before, we have seen awesome wonders and sights, met so many awesome people from all over the world, most importantly helped meet the physical and spiritual needs of many in the name of Jesus, and last but not least, sweated more than we have in the past 10 years combined!

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