Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This past weekend and what’s up in our world

Hi there. Hope and pray all is well with you and yours. Sorry it has been a while since my last blog. We did not have internet access this past weekend and yesterday we were out of town all day. Let’s see, Saturday we did our big weekend shopping in the market (in the rain) and around town. It rained just about all day so the rest of the day we just chilled (well really more like sweated) at home. Sunday we slept late (8 am) and went back to the same church we went last week. Once we got there, the pastor approached me and officially asked if I would be interested in helping them by working with some of the “members” in developing a worship team (more or less) and by leading the worship/music when I could until a Belizean leader is ready or becomes available. I told him that I would be interested (thinking I would start next week) and he said “great, let me show you my guitar and our song book!” Apparently a visiting missionary gave him a guitar (a pretty nice one at that) sometime ago but he cannot play. He told me “I have the heart (for worship music), but no gift”. Anyways, Hannah and I picked out a few songs that we knew and we both led the congregation of ~ 20 in 4 songs. It was like old times in early Restoration days (almost like in cell group). It was fun. Everyone was very receptive and thankful. I think it will take some time for them to learn a different style of singing/worship. It had been quite some time since I had played for any extended period of time so my fingers hurt! I need to build up my calluses again.

Like I said, yesterday we were out of town all day. We left Punta Gorda at 5:00am to travel to Belize City (for some nursing licensing business) which is a ~5 hour drive by car and ~8-9 hour drive by bus. Fortunately one of the clinic’s Land Rovers needed servicing so we were able to kill 2 birds with one stone! We got back home about 7:00 pm ate a bowl of cereal and all went to bed. We were pooped!

We then got up early this morning and started our week here in PG. This week is going to be a bit different because Hillside is partnering with an organization called H.O.P.E (helping older people equally) in a week long health fair for every elderly person in PG and the surrounding area. Hannah and I will share our time with this HOPE event and our other clinic duties. Other than being very busy, we are all good. There is a visiting physician and her family from Alaska that have 2 kids (one of them a daughter that is very close to Lily’s age) so the kids have had a good time playing with them.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Hey J&H...just read your blog. Wow..you guys are busy! That's awesome that J is filling in as a worship leader. Just goes to show that God is directing your path! I'm excited for you all! We're keeping you in our prayers!! Give Lilly and Aiden big hugs for us all!